Who are we?

Plasma-Part is specialized in servicing Nextral brand equipments. These tools use technologies such as PECVD plasma deposition, and RIE, HDP (microwaves) and ICP plasma etching. The customers of Plasma-Part are Nextral tools users, located in France, in Europe and elsewhere around the world. Plasma-Part also offers second-hand equipments, fully overhauled and refurbished by us.

Plasma-Part is a company born in 2012, and providing industrial services. Plasma-Part’s main business involves providing service and spare parts for etch and deposition tools used in microelectronics industry.

Plasma-Part was set up by Lionel FRIER, specialist for service on Nextral brand equipments. Lionel FRIER adds up more than 20 years experience in maintaining these equipments, working first for Nextral, then for companies that did take care of this activity: Unaxis, Oerlikon, and Plasma Therm.

A legal agreement set up in 2012 between Lionel FRIER and Plasma Therm LLC (USA) gives Plasma-Part the exclusive right to use the Nextral brand and assets, typically all technical information.

Plasma-Part can then produce and sell any Nextral parts or equipments, in a perfect legal status.